EVENT: JDMjunkies x S30.world at Japanclassic 2025
The Japanclassic.ch is an annual, very laid back, one-of-a-kind gathering of classic japanese cars of all brands. The last two years I wasn’t able to attend the event, but for this year we’ve deicded to gear up things. Rather than just going there as a visitor, we decided to have a booth this year, and we’re going to share it with S30.world. We’re most probably going to sell some random parts and show the lineup of S30.world parts and show a special car, but we still have to figure out all the details. In case if you don’t know the Japanclassic show, check out some photos from my previous visits…
PLACES: Parts Hunting & a visit at Cagedude
Recently, I went Datsun NOS parts hunting again. Well Sort of. I found a bit of a cryptic Ad online about a guy who was trying to sell a complete Lot of old Datsun spare parts inventory from the 70ies and 80ies. After finally getting in touch with the seller, I realized it’s quite a bit of a ride for me to get there, so I asked my Man Cagedude (who is always looking for such kind of lot’s to buy) to pay a visit, as he lives much closer. Fast-forward a few days and here we are, with a complete bus full of NOS parts in his possession. Naturally,…
STORY: Aerotechnik – A swiss Datsun parts dealer that became a big car parts company
If you’re a Swiss car guy, the chances are very high that you have heard of a Company called Aerotechnik AG in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland. It’s not too far away from Schaffhausen and therefore well known among car guys from this Area. Today the company is most known as being the wholeseller for Big brands like Remus exhausts, their own Barracuda and Team82 wheel brands, K&N Filters and other car parts. JDM fans will probably recognize them as being the company that imports and homologates Work wheels to Switzerland, including the vintage EQUIP 03 and other designs, which are still a favourite among the S30 owners. What many people…
EVENT: S30.World grand opening & platform launch
If you’re an S30 enthusiast, you may have seen some photos on the social media sites or heard it through the grapevine: On the 24.10.2024 – exactly 55 years after the first public presentation of the S30 / Fairlady Z at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1969 – there was the grand opening of S30.world in Buren, Netherlands. Therefore there was a replica of the original Tokyo Motor Show ticket from 1969 given to the guests. But why do i only write about it today? Well there was a reason: Today also the official S30.world platform was released to the public. But more on that in a minute. 1. What…
EVENT: Honda Switzerland 50 year anniversary “Fan event”
Maybe it was the terrible weather, or maybe it was the name of the event (Fan event) that made me have some wrong expectations. While the Honda 50 year anniversary event yesterday was genernally some welcoming new and nice event, i have the feeling that the whole event had a bit of an identity crisis, while they were overwhelmed by the amount of people who wanted to participate and at the same time they missed the opportunity to connect to their fan base. In general i had the feeling that Honda Switzerland managed to miss a lot of great opportunities for their once-in-a-lifetime Celebration. But let’s start from the beginning.…
EVENT: 50Years Honda Switzerland Fan Event
Honda Swizerland has been promoting a “Fan Event” for their 50 years anniversary a lot recently. When i heard about it a few weeks ago i was happy to register for it, to display my EK9. However, once you find the way to the registration form it says that applications had to be stopped because of the huge interest. Luckily i managed to get a spot thanks to some nice people. YAY! I was especially keen to show my car as Honda switzerland actually used an EK9 and the latest civic typeR to promote the event on their Instagram, despite the fact that the EK9 was never sold here. So…
EVENT: Rendez-vous am “kleinen Klausen”
This year’s “Rendez-vous am kleinen Klausen” was again a great day for specactors. I heard from several drivers that the organization had some issues with getting all the cars at the right time to the startline and some missed one of their spots which they paid for, but otherwise it seemed to be a very nice wevent. It got some kind of “goodwood” feeling around it. It’s very laidback, non-competitive and generally just a celebration about anything with a motor and wheels. The focus is definitily on older cars and exclusive stuff. but genererally if it got wheels, is special or cool, you can find it there. Go-karts, Kids on…
RACE: Rendezvous am kleinen Klausen (08.09.2024)
After 2021, it is time for another issue of the “Rendezvous am kleinen Klausen” memorial hillclimb race in Schaffhausen. The race is named after the famous “Klausenrennen” at the Klausenpass in the swiss alps. The memorial race takes place every three years in the rural villages of Bibern, Opfertshofen and Altdorf In History, the “kleiner klausen” was named the “Small brother” of the Klausenrennen due to it’s scenic and difficult roads to drive and made it a quite legendary race on the Calendar. UPDATE: I just got confirmed that Jerome (in his 510) and Claude (in his hillclimb 240Z) from zcarracingteam will attend the event too with their cars: While…
EVENT: Enter Technikwelt Solothurn – Japaner bis 1994
A new (at least to me) Japanese themed Car event has appeared recently and i thought i’d like to share it with you. The “Enter technikwelt” is a museum about everything technical and engineering, located in Solothurn and well worth a visit istelf. Every now and then they also organized specific classic car meets in their big parking lot. Attendance is free and food drinks can be bought from their restaurant. This sunday, 14th of July, the teme is Japanese Cars until 1994. Check out all information here: https://enter.ch/de/events/oldtimer-treffen-japaner-bis-1994/ Unfortunately i won’t be able to attend, But since events like these are rare i think it’s cool to meet some…
PLACE: A visit to Visscher Classique (NL)
Recently i was in the Netherlands to visit some friends and at that opportunity i thought i drop in and have a look at the nearby “Visscher classique” Museum. A Car collection / Exhibition / Museum about everything French. I’m not really into french cars and honestly i don’t know much about them. But i adore their ingenuity and the quirky oddness of those cars. The Visscher family had a long history starting with the current owner Henk’s Dad being a SIMCA dealer in the past. The collection hosts a broad selection of all kind of cars from Renault, Peugeot, Citroën, SIMCA, Matra, etc. But also random other cars from…