240Z: R180 Differential preparation, Pt. 1
Over the easter holidays, i had some hours time to work on my project again. First thing i noticed on the Subie R180 Diff, which i bought recently, was that it most probably got painted at some point.
A quick scrub with the wire brush made the original silver surface appear again:
Same on the Propeller shaft flange:
Then it was about time to remove the nasty grease and dirt buildup around the seals:
And then give the whole housing a healthy two-hours of wire-wheel peeling:
Right: Original Datsun diff, left: Subie diff. Notice the different flange adapters:
Surprzingly, the datsun part came off quite easy.
While the subie thingy required a puller tool setup. Worked well though:
Here we are now. ready to get seals replaced. further cleaning, rust-protection repaint and then assembly everything. Hope i find time again soon to finish this part.
Luckily i own both the original FSM and the japanese Differential Manual. so i will follow the steps to make sure everything is fine: