• Japan Delivery part 1 :)

    Today i got my first delivery from japan.. Lucky me got a brand new (out of production) Trust TR-NA 6-2 Exhaust mainfold straight from the Trust (Greddy) warehouse in Japan – always good to have good connections over there. Yeah i know. totally useless part for this stage of the project. but i had to buy it before they don’t do any custom-orders on this stuff anymore πŸ™‚ that’s the way we like it: πŸ˜€ and of course it never makes sense to ship a huge box from japan with only one part inside, so i decided to buy a HKB Steering boss adaptor kit, so i’ll be able to…

  • All the small things :)

    Well, maybe it was the rainy day, but somehow i wasn’t sure any more if this project was the right desicion anymore. after the rotisserie was done i had now idea how to contiune. i felt kind of “lost in a project” and having no idea how to get it completed.. im pretty sure many of you guys know what im talking about. and from several old projects of mine i know, if you stop at these points you’ll never get it done.. so i called Mr. Petitjean from zcar racing team in switzerland. he’s the ultimate Z-guru over here with some pretty hardcore z-builds and some beautiful restorations. i…

  • Rotisserie Done!!!

    It’s finally done πŸ™‚ well today i did some really dangerous stuff, i lifted up the whole car (first front then rear) using the engine lifter and put it into the rotisserie-stands.. Was quite unafe and my advice is to never do it on your own! But anyway, it worked and now it’s done πŸ™‚ oh and i added a second screw at the rear hinges for some extra safety.. (sorry, no picture) well i have to say the masueres arn’t really the best possible, so it has really some bottom-overweight and it’s kinda hard to rotate it but it’s possible. and alltough it feels kinda safe when it’s secured…

  • Rotisserie mounting 2

    on we go πŸ™‚ 1) Drilled some holes into the front chassis bars and mounted the front upper support: 2) Drilled some holes for “the brake” 3) Added some grease to the rotating parts so it will rotate easier: 4) Mounted the rear support brace: so it’s finally done now and just needs to be lifted into the two base-stands but actually two persons where not enough for the rear end so i have to do it when more people are around. really happy with the progress and hope the whole stuff is strong enough and will last πŸ™‚

  • Rotisserie Mounting pt. 1

    Woohoo, finally i have some good news: 1) Just got a mail from japan that my friends there are doing well and that particular special-parts-order i made a few weeks ago is shipped out towards switzerland πŸ™‚ 2) Got a phone-call from the nearby metal-fabrication company that the rotisserie-work is now complete. So i directly headed there and picked up the upper parts and put the pieces together: Looked like this then: as you can see the car will be raised about 25cm (front, rear about 50cm!), but after i was shocked a bit first i figured out that thats because otherwise you won’t have enough space to rotate the…

  • Rotisserie 50% done

    On the project goes πŸ™‚ Got a big Van yesterday and went out to Aarau and picked up the rotisserie base stands yesterday and here they are: now the upper pieces also had some great progress thanks to stev and i brought them to a local steel workshop today and they told me to finish the last welds and do a few minor tweaks until friday, so i should be able to pick up the completed upper mounts on friday, sounds great to me, so hopefully i’ll be able to start the mounting on saturday.. so happy to finally have some progress again πŸ™‚

  • 240Z: MSA Delivery

    My first order from MSA arrived here today, and im pretty happy πŸ™‚ 1) Clutch master cylinder: 2) Clutch slave cylinder: 3) and last but not least: Genuine nissan tail upper repair panel (because mine was almost completely deleted when they replaced those tail lights…) that’s it for today.. work on the rotisserie will continue early next week. so sad i can’t do anything at the moment :/

  • more steel

    Just a shortie, today (more tomorrow..) Picked up some more steel today, after i ordered two parts slightly too big at my first order, so here are smaller ones to complete the rotisserie build soon πŸ˜€

  • On we go..

    Sorry for the lack of updates during the last week or so.. im sucking for them even more than you do πŸ™‚ anyway, last saturday i went to visit member Steav vom the JNC forum who kindly offered me to help me weld the rotisserie together. and then i found out that he also had a Laurel C30 in progress of restoration so one more reason to head there.. πŸ™‚ so here we go – first a few shots of his project – Datsun 1800 aka Laurel C30 – what a beauty. and even in better condition than my Z! crazy πŸ™‚ and while i was checking the car my…

  • Steel arrived

    Just a short update: As mentioned yesterday a load of pre-cutted steel arrived here today, so i’ll be able to mount the rotisserie.. now just have to find someone who can weld this together for me πŸ™‚