Garage, Workshop & House Build
All about building my dream garage, Workshop and hous
GARAGE: Datsun Banner Restauration, Pt II
A while ago, i got this original Datsun Banner from Germany. It looks like it has been modified a few times over it’s lifetime. The Logo is printed on some heavy duty Truck tarpaulin type of material. But it also was cut off. so i have no idea if it originally was a big Datsun Advertizing canvas, or maybe came from a truck or something else? Anyway. A few weeks ago i cleaned it, and it turned out really nice. However it still had this odd shape with the diagonally cutoff lettering on the left and the logo not in te middle of the rest. So after thinking about it…
GARAGE: Datsun Special Tool wall & Garage Entrance completed!
Our garage entrance belongs to the part of our in-laws house, but we’re allowed to use it, obviously. The father-in-law always tried to keep it tidy, but the compressed gravel somehow always ended up inside the garage. So when our neighbours decided to build a house, he asked the concrete guys there if they could bring some extra concrete and do the garage entrance. They settled a deal and the work began: Rebar got laid: And fine concrete poured: Then it got flattened: My Father-in-law then took his time to complete the connecting stones, after the molds got removed: But i have to admit the result is awesome. So much…
240Z / GARAGE: Datsun Tool wall & Workshop clothes
A while ago i finally saw something for sale which i’ve been searching for years. And even in Photo form i have only ever seen two of those. The only problem – it is a 6 hour drive away. Well today i spent more or less the whole day driving to middle of germany and back to pick this up: The thing i bought was the Datsun workshop tools from the mid 70ties. It’s quite an interesting setup. It’s basically a printed foil by a company called “Genku” on a Perforated sheet metal plate. It seems that you could probably buy the foil with the tools as a kit, but…
240Z / GARAGE: Custom made Datsun steering wheel wall mounts
A few days ago i got this lovely package just in time for my birthday. Since long i had the idea that it would be nice to hang my collection of various Z-steering wheels on the wall, as they make a nice decoration. But i wasn’t able to find any useful solution to hang them nicely with the pins. So i aske din the Datsun Europe FB group if anybody had a solution. Nobody had, but Robert, One nice guy from Austria offered me to design them and print a prototype, as he would also use a set for himself. We (he) played around with different designs and mounting types.…
OTHER: Honda dealer sign restauration, pt. 3 & Installation
So, after we left with a finished Sign on the table in part two, it was time to install it somewhere. I wasn’t sure where to put it. So i tested it in various positions. My initial plan to have it close to the Honda proved to be not the best location, because of the low ceiling height in that area. At the end i decided to put it high up on the wall Next to the workshop entrance… So first i removed everything again, installed it at the highest possible point: Then got the LED tubes and Honda logo covers back in: Had everything hooked up and wired to…
WORKSHOP: Lighting upgrade
When planning my workshop, i made a little mistake and put the light tubes in the middle of the room. This would of course cast a shadow of yourself on the workbench when standing in front of it. So basically i never really liked workin on the workbench, because that meant you work more or less in a relatively dark area. Well time to fix that π I got myself the latest version of the already installed Thorn PopPack LED TubesΒ (52W 6400lm 4000K 1500mm each): So up with the housings: Drilling some holes in the housings for the wiring and doing the wiring itself: And done! A little comparison.…
GARAGE: The build is finally done!
Keen readers may have read a few times about the build of my House / Workshop and Garage. The build was about 90% complete since a while, but the missing 10% always bothered me a bit. With other priorities ahead, i decided to complete the project, so i can finally focus on my cars, my exams and my other projects. So over the course of the last few months, i spent some free hours to complete this project. and today i can finally say – IT’S DONE! First i got myself a workshop press for some planned work: I also set up the Sandblasting cabinet which i got a while…
GARAGE / OTHER: Garage upgrades & Datsun 240K-GT / Datsun 1000 brochures
Since i’m now completeing my business education, my progress with the car is a bit slow until – after two years – my exams are completed in April next year. Then i plan to get that damn car back on the road as soon as possible. in the meantime i only have limited time and mostly like to spend it for research and buying stuff. I therefore decided it’s time to upgrade my workshop a bit, so i can get some work done by myself in future. The first pallette arrived af few days ago: And it contained a nice sandblasting cabinet. It was super cheap and i don’t expect…
GARAGE: Version 1.5: New shelves and other stuff in
Soooo, time for an Update on the Garage.Β I’m working on Garage version 1.5. Not because i really planned to do so, but because of lucky circumstances i got hands on some neat stuff which now needs installation and relocation of a few things. Aside from the big neon sign which needs a bit of extra-wiring to have it actuated with the light-switch, my company was parting out again. I missed the big auction where they sold off the complete assembly line stuff for cheap, but at the end it was luck, because it probably saved me a lot of money π but even better so, the parts they didn’t…
GARAGE: Workshop and Garage decoration
So, today i finally spent the afternoon decorating the workshop and garage with all the stuff i’ve collected over the years π Also installed a vacuum cleaner mounting system, so i can store it nicely… Decided to hang the original EK9 exhaust system at the wall because it looks nice and saves some space π Then hung up the Toda Power Banner. Unfortunately my concrete drill broke, so i wasn’t able to hang up more stuff today π But i’m happy with the results and some more boxes on the to-do list are ticked now π