• EK9: Honda / Mugen / Spoon Documents & Rx Pedals arrived

    After i realized my EK9 is not a regular Ek9 Civic TypeR, but a special EK9 TypeRX edition, the hunt for the rare RX-spec documentation began, because I didn’t really have a lot in my collection. And while hunting documents online, I came across a few aftermarket documents that were cheap and missing in my collection, so I decided to put together a small lot and fill some gaps in my archives: First, the most important one. I’ve been looking for this TypeRX specific EK9 brochure for quite some months now, and finally it popped up recently for sale. I’m super excited about this one, as it is the correct…

  • KNOWLEDGE: Civic EK / NSX-T & Honda Motorsport press releases

    I have always been searching for original EK9 typeR press releases from Japan, but they’re hard to find. Well i will continue to search but at least last week i found some other cool Honda Press release folders: The coolest one is this September 1995 press release from the Civic EK / EJ / MB introduction, which was handed out in March 1996 at the Geneva Motor show: Aside from the usual pages of Marketing information and technical details and specs It also included about 20 A4 press photo prints: Which also are included as standard 4:3 photo prints and Dia’s: The second folder was the same, but from the…

  • EK9: Type-Rx special features & Pedal cleanup

    So you might remember that recently i found out about my EK9 being a Type-Rx special edition? When i found out, i also realized that my Rx edition Pedals and the footrest were a bit dirty. So i thought it wace about time to give them a bit of a cleanup with some interieur cleaner: After soaking it a bit, i brushed it all off with a brush And, while not perfect, the pedals look much cleaner. While at it anyway, i decided to take photos of all the Rx special features to update my Rx-spec post. Rx Pedals: Electric folding morrors: “Keyless entry” Remote transmitter: Uprated Pioneer audio system…

  • 240Z / EK9: Various Documents from Japan

    Over the past days various packages from japan arrived with some new reading stuff for me: First a Nostalgic Speed magazine. I bought it mainly because of the cool OS-giken TC24-B1 Blueprint poster, (for their 50th anniversary), but it also includes cool builds with an Billet aluminum S20 block and an OS-giken TC16 build, etc. Then i got this 1984 NISMO 10th anniversary catalogue. I was hoping it includes the 10th anniversary Steering wheel and shift knob, but it does not. however it includes many other useful information. some new details on the MK63 brakes, and maybe the page below might solve my mystery suspension riddle. The two japanese rallye…

  • 240Z / EK9: New Z- & R- books for my Archives

    When i was investigating my archives for the EK9 typeRX post, i realized i have some gaps in my know-how and probably should read a bit more about the EK9 and TypeR’s in general. So i looked up some good japanese Mooks (Magazine Books). At the same time i got offered some nice Books about the Datsun at only the shipping costs. Who am i to turn down such an offer? So over the last few days these here arrived one by one in my mailbox: The Datsun book on the left is maybe a bit special, because it features an british RHD “Euro Final Spec” Car on the cover.…

  • EK9: Civic EK9 TypeRx special edition, specification & details

    After owning my EK9 for so many years now, i just found out today that my EK9 is actually not a standard TypeR, but a TypeRx special edition! I’m quite excited and shocked i didn’t know this all the time! Naturally, i had to investigate the topic, and i’d like to share my findings with you. Wherever possible i tried to use official documents and sources for this post. Let’s look deep into the differences between the regular TypeR and the Rx version and how i figured this out. Honda made two special Editions of the EK9: One is the N1 or Race-base “lightweight” edition, which is an EK9 inteneded…

  • EK9: Spare Seat & Japanese EK9 recaro repair shop found

    Recently a Friend of mine pointed me towards a facebook ad for an EK9 recaro seat in switzerland with a fair price. I was a bit sceptic and probably wouldn’t have checked out after a 3hour drive only. Luckily i was in that area anyway and thought i’d give it a look. and long story short. I have a Spare EK9 OEM recaro. As you would expect it has several wear and tear problems, the common problems with the OEM Recaros, but otherwise it’s in good shape: And aside from the seat rail and the missing bottom net (which i have NOS spare’s in stock) it’s complete: I’m not sure…

  • EK9: Battery tie-down back to OEM

    I was never a big fan of the chunky SKunk2 billet aluminum battery tie-down. Mainly because it was not fitting the “JDM” theme. But i had it installed for a few years now, since the original one started to have it’s paint chip off in large pieces and the quality and fitment of it is really good. When i had the car partially repainted recently, i decided to also have the OEM battery tie-down repainted after i gave it a sandblast and it turned out nice: So, back it went  (both Skunk2 and OEM are shown here): And well, it doesn’t make a huge impact or anything, but i somehow…

  • EK9: Capitalseating Recaro spare parts delivery

    If you own an EK9 oder DC2 Honda, you know that the seats sides are one of the weak points of the car, which usually is worn out pretty quick and looks ugly. especially because it’s the first thing you see whenever the door is open. I have been planning refurbish my seats since a while, but only now since the rest of the car has been overhauled, i thought it was time to attack that last remaining area to get her back in a show condition. And then my friend Rene also asked for some parts, so it was time for a group buy. I was not sure which…

  • EK9: Back from the Paintshop & detailing

    On saturday i was able to pick up my EK9 from Renè’s Paintshop. And boy does the car look goo! Instead of re-painting the hood as well, we decided to save that money, give the few stone-chips a simple pencil-brush-up and instead get the paint a complete polish and waxing. Also Rene and his team were nice enough to Detail some areas. Look at the difference! left cleaned, right before! The Spoon Kevlar intake hose which had a crappy rattle-can spray job from yours truly, got a nice sand and filling, then a proper paintjob, along with the Factory battery tie-down. Before: After: On the car itself the front bumper…