
About me:
My Name is Nils, born in ’83 and living in the german speaking part of Switzerland.

The JDMjunkies.ch story
When i got my drivers licence, quickly everything started to escalate.
After i learned the hard way, that cheap ebay parts are not worth their money and there was no possibility back then to get hands on cool Japanese parts over here in central europe, i started a business named JDMjunkies.ch in 2005. The company was specialized in importing rare new and used tuning and motorsports parts from Japan. During that time i learned much about japanese cars and got to know a lot of nice people with same interrests and big knowledge. I was fortunate to cater racing teams from home-built hillclimb and slalom cars, to privateer tracktday tools to professional ADAC Procar teams and many award winning tuning show cars.
It makes me prooud to see that many, many years later, still some of the rare parts i’ve imported are floating around here…
As a test for a planned JDM car import business expansion, i imported the EK9 for my own purpose, and that’s how many people started to recognize me, and when things really took off. I organized the swiss JDM RHD car owners meeting for a few years and i was a board member of the swiss Hondaholics forum. Things got really busy.
The company was running very well, but i had to decide which route to go in life and i never regret stepping out of the game.
After all, i really think i can enjoy my automotove addiction more when it’s only a hobby rather than a job.

The Blog(s)
I love documenting my projects. Not really for showing off, but more for writing down everything, and because i’ve realized that other people like to follow it too. I mean who doesn’t like a good build-thread? It started with various online forum build-threads and in in 2009 i created a blog about my EK9 project, and with the start of the Datsun project, i had another Blog page up in 2010. One year later i was thinking about how i could use my old JDMjunkies domain and webspace and thought it would be cool to have a new website with my own design and name and combine all my blogs into one new, more recently updated blog – Here it is. It has had a few updates and some design changes, but at the end it’s still more or less what started in 2011 😀

I hope you enjoy reading my Blog as much as i do writing it and working on the projects.
Over the years, this website has brought me some nice opportunities and i’ve made nice connections to a helpful network all over the world. Thank you all the followers for your inputs and support. If you have any questions or just want to say hi, go to the contact page and let me know. Thanks for reading 🙂

Best regards / Grüsse / Yoroshiku Onegai Itashimasu
– Nils


    • JDMjunkies.ch

      HI Maurice, ja bin aus der Schweiz 😀
      Also Ich habe damals aus zeitgründen aufgehört. Ich habe dies nebenbei gemacht und es lief sozusagen “zu gut”, Ich habe damals voll gearbeitet, nebenbei noch an der HF Studiert und dann hat das Geschäft auch noch ca 30% Meiner Freizeit in anspruch genommen, so das ich täglich etwa 15Stunden gearbeitet habe was irgendwann zu viel wurde. Ich importiere aber immernoch teile wenn man mich anfragt, h abe einfach keinen shop mehr oder so. kriege ja praktisch monatlich noch eine grosslieferung für mich, freunde, alte Kunden und bekannte. Also wenn du was brauchst schick mir ne email oder per Kontaktformular ne Anfrage 😀
      Grüsse – Nils

  • Michael Hahn

    Hallo Nils,

    ich bin dabei meinen 260z zu restaurieren und auf der Suche nach Bodenblechen links und rechts sowie die Stege.
    Hast du welche im Angebot?

    VG, Michael

    • JDMjunkies.ch

      Hi Michael, ja hab einen Satz “1970-74(1/2): 240 and 260z (early) Floors and Supports” Satz (Neu) zu verkaufen.
      Sollte das passen, schick mir am besten eine Email an Info@JDMjunkies.ch dann kann ich dir Bilder schicken.
      ich schätze mal du kommst aus DE?
      – Nils

  • Jason

    First off your hard work is mind blowing to me. Nicely done bud!!! I would like to see how your panel beater took care of that rear lower valence. I have to do mine, wasn’t sure where I should start. Butt-weld, or do I lap weld it etc. Much appreciated if you could lend me some insights to this area.

    Lastly, who did you get your floor pans from (Hungarian Company?)

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