• OTHER: Happy holiday season!

    Dear readers. as we are approaching christmas and new year, i wanted to sit back for a minute and recap the yet. Car wise the progress was so/so. The major bodywork was finally finished, but is not 100% completed yet. Then i managed to find some parts which i was looking for for long and it seems that now only small bits and pieces are missing. What is now the main bottleneck is to find time to finish the tasks on the car before it goes to final bodywork, paint and then engine rebuild, etc. After all i’ve gained a lot of know-how again this year and learnt a lot…

  • EVENT: S30.World grand opening & platform launch

    If you’re an S30 enthusiast, you may have seen some photos on the social media sites or heard it through the grapevine: On the 24.10.2024 – exactly 55 years after the first public presentation of the S30 / Fairlady Z at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1969 – there was the grand opening of S30.world in Buren, Netherlands. Therefore there was a replica of the original Tokyo Motor Show ticket from 1969 given to the guests. But why do i only write about it today? Well there was a reason: Today also the official S30.world platform was released to the public. But more on that in a minute. 1. What…

  • 240Z: Competition Heat shields restoration 1

    Recently i acquired two pieces of Nissan sports option aka Datsun Competition aka the Triple Mikuni carb heat shields from Japan. One was in a good, used condition. the other one seemed to be restored on the first sight. But after i received it and inspected it closer, i quickly realized that they just sprayed it with some silver paint that came off upon touching it. After looking at it again, i also saw that it was not straight and had a few cheap weld repairs. Here is the “good” side, which only needed a bit of flattening with the hammer (probably from wiggling it off the previous installation): And…

  • KNOWLEDGE: S30 Electric fuel Pump and Brackets

    Today we’re going to have another deep-dive into a nerdy tech Topic: The original Nissan electric fuel pump on the S30 chassis 240Z and fairlady Z cars. DisclaimerAs with all my knowledge articles, i tried my best to get all information from trustworthy and official sources. However, i cannot guarantee that all information is 100% correct. If you have any correction, input or additional information, i appreciate if you let me know. I’ll update this post whenever i find something to add or change. I am not a professional journalist and i put countless unpaid hours of work and years of research into this post and spent quite a bit…

  • 240Z: Back from another Parts hunt

    I’ve been hunting for Datsun parts again recently and found some cool stuff that ended up with me. Yesterday i visited a nice guy. He was one of the two founders of the East switzerland Datsun Z-Club back in the days. I originally went there to pick up this beautiful two-sided Datsun sign: He told me he picked it up from a dealership in Vienna (Austria). It needs a bit of TLC. but it’s definitely one of the coolest Datsun signs i have seen, with the multicoloured 3D shape, nice mounting bracket and so on. While there anyway, i bought myself a few other items that he had up for…

  • 240Z: Fuel modification book and fuel pump block-off parts

    Recently i started researching a bit into the 240Z / fairlady Z fuel system topic and decided to write a knowledge post about some details. For that i found this “240Z / 260Z Fuel system “Modificaiton plus” book very useful. I know it’s widely available online in digital form, but i found a cheap printed copy, so i decided to get it for my archives: The book is about a special “V-3 modification” programme that was executed in the US of A in the mid 70ies. Along with this i also ordered some NOS parts from nissan (mechanical fuel pump block-off plate / gasket / bolts) for a little project…