OTHER: Happy holiday season!
Dear readers. as we are approaching christmas and new year, i wanted to sit back for a minute and recap the yet.
Car wise the progress was so/so. The major bodywork was finally finished, but is not 100% completed yet. Then i managed to find some parts which i was looking for for long and it seems that now only small bits and pieces are missing. What is now the main bottleneck is to find time to finish the tasks on the car before it goes to final bodywork, paint and then engine rebuild, etc. After all i’ve gained a lot of know-how again this year and learnt a lot in progress. And this year i also had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people in real-life, which i never could have dreamt of.
It has been a crazy year in my daily job, so often i didn’t find energy or time to work on my car when i came home, but that should calm down this year, i hope and i’m looking forward to tinker around in the garage more. After all i’m thankful to have the ability, space, money and supporting wife for such a hobby, and that is probably worth more than the actual project itself.
Last but not least i want to thank YOU, dear reader of this very website fur returning regularly and giving me loads of great input and feedback and ideas. Without you and all the real friendships that evolved from this, all this would not be nearly as fun as it is.
I wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year and all the best to you and your families.
PS: the two photos were generated with the WordPress integrated AI photo generator. Obviously a lot of deails on the cars are wrong and the tree in the second one makes no sense. but after all i had loads of fun playing around with it and the results are stunning despite the fact i just entered prompts like “white datsun 240Z with a christmas tree on top”. Enjoy 🙂