240Z: Some gifts from the Netherlands
In the last three days. i was in the Netherlands to attend a very special Z-related Event, together with a big bunch of great Z-Enthusiasts from all over the world. I will make a separate detailed post about that event very soon. While i was there, i met a lot of old and new friends and got many many cool gifts, which i would like to share with you. In fact i brought home so many unexpected gifts, that i was fearing they wouldn’t let me enter the plane with the many bags of “Hand-baggage”.
First, a bunch of very nice Memorabilia from S30.world. More on that topic and project very soon. Some will immediately recognize the Fairlady Z logo, which was used on the Japanese sales documentation of the S30.
For the event we had prepared a nice collection of S30.world themed Clothes, chocolates and beautiful Post cards:
The event was held at a very special Date: The 25.10.2024. Exactly 55 Years after the Japanese S30 Fairlady Z was shown tto the public he first time at the Tokyo Motor show. Therefore, attendees also got a Copy of the original Tokyo Motor show ticket with a modified date. What a great idea:
Kats from Japan was so kind to gift me an original Brochure which was given to Nissan Booth visitors at that very exact 1969 Tokyo Motor show.
Obviously, the Z was the highlight of that year’s Nissan booth and therefore prominently featured in the brochure:
Speaking of highlights: Florian from Datsun-Autowerk, hand-drew me an exact copy of my own workshop. which is just an awesome piece of art and will definitely get a special spot in my Home. I almost tend to hang back the stuff on the wall as it was a few weeks before, just to make it fit to the drawing 🙂
Flo also brought a set of Datsun rear emblems which come just in time to fit the holes in my car:
And i also got a nice set of japanese Fairlady Z Nibbles from Flo and from Jakub at Datsun Europe an air refresher and Whiskey scented car detailer spray. which – unfortunately – they took away at the airport safety check.
And yes – those are nissan fairlady Z shaped crackers in that can:
Jeff from the Bay-area in the USA brought me a bunch of ZCON memorabilia, as he was one of the organizers that year. I love both the Mobile phone stand (made in corporation with skillard) and the shirt. Thanks a lot.
And last but not least. Christ at S30.world gifted me a a full set of his freshly released 1:1 copy of the OEM Door rubber seals, which look excellent and will fit by far better than any other of the (mostly cheap) copies out there. Without even having fitted them yet, i can tell you this is the best you can get out there and the price is also quite good. I was able to see them installed on some of his cars and i appreciate the work Chris put into these. I will be able to test them very soon and will show you some more details. Thank you so much, Chris!
Thanks to all who joined the event and especially for all the lovely gifts. I hope i can return the favour and hope to see you all again soon.
As i said, i will definitely share more details about that very special event and project very soon….