240Z: A rare Datsun Suisse parts & Documents lot
A good friend of mine just recently sent me this photo and said i need to visit him ASAP, he got hands on some cool stuff. Who i am to turn such an offer down?
Especially the boxes, martketing material and stuff made me a bit curious. it’s not usually stuff to be found at dealerships or at collectors, but only at the Import Company Datsun Suisse SA, back in the days.
And that’s exactly where these parts come from. A former employee of DSSA took home random stuff which they wanted to scrap at some point, due to lack of space or some other cleanup. He stored the parts for many years, before putting them up for sale. A dealership at the other end of switzerland bought them and now they put this up for sale too. That’s where my buddy Jumped in and made sure it ends up in good hands.
It’s pretty random stuff with many boxes of documents, a lot from the 80ies sadly, but also some really rare stuff.. There were also plenty of parts, but mainly for the Patrol car and some various less sporty Datsuns from back in the days. (Micra K10 anyone?).
I helped unload a bit of the stuff, pre-sort some things and went through all the boxes. I was able to get some of the documents, but there were unfortunately no big Z-parts to take home. Nevertheless. i ended up with quite the lot of random datsun and Z documents:
The lot also included a set of Triple Webers which datsun switerland used to test, including the test reports. I will tell you more about this pretty cool story in the coming days. My friend will keep this for himself as it’s understandable One-off piece of swiss datsun history.
But as i said, it consisted of mainly documents. Many of them not being very rare.
But then again things like a NOS E88 head, NOS propeller shafts, or how about a complete NOS Datsun Cherry A12 Engine GT Racing kit?
Speaking of cherry, the Lot also included multiple packs of Cherry advertizing stickers, straight from Japan:
Loads of Posters and Training charts. Unfortunately mainly for boring cars. Please ignore the grilles in the background, they were not part of the lot and belong to my friend)
And then some probably very rare Nissan Motor Co advertizing and training movies on 16mm FIlm:
One from the 1972 East African Safari rallye:
Or one from the 1969 Japan Grand prix race. We’re currently trying to figure out of they’re still usable and how we can digitalize them.
Some of the roles had pretty cryptical names like “Group AZ” or something. I hope we can rescue them. If not the boxes themselves make a beautiful decoration.
At the end, this is what i got home with me yesterday.
That includes a set of nice original Datsun sales bags and spare parts wrapping: I like it so much, i will frame it an dhang it on the wall.
A set of absolutely mint swiss (german / french) Datsun Z and ZX series operating manuals (including the correct 1972 one for my car!)
Some sales brochures and price lists of the Z and ZX series
A load of empty Datsun folders, which i like to put my Documents inside (already have plenty, but you never can have enough of those :-P)
Also a NOS oil filter removal special tool and some small items (not part of the lot, but took them with me anyway :-P)
A special yellow Datsun “advertizing” folder, which i’ve never seen before (empty) and a Datsun / Nissan special tool overview folder:
Now this is the rare stuff: Documents used internally at Datsun Suisse SA to make notes, approve modifications on the car, to send with documents, or to make notes after the car returns from a repair:
Also various unused workshop documents like the warranty claim form, Repair log pages, and carts as well as a specs-and-data booklet.
On one of the boxes i also found s sticker of the shipping company, who was most probably given the task to import the spare parts from japan:
The set also included a few factory Dias from the 240Z, and some customer photos of tuned Z’s and ZX’s:
Also included were some newspaper cutouts and reviews from magazines from back in the day:
Some cool manuals, which i so far only had in digital form (AUtomatic transmission in french, the S30 Heater manual and the American Competition parts catalogue):
Also included was a complete folder full of original homologation specification sheets, used to get the cars homologated in switzerland! You still can find a copy of those in every registry in switzerland:
This one is also nice: A users folder including service booklet, the sticker that came with every new car, a three-year warranty card and the exhaust emission document:
Then a few cool Nissan / Datsun documents, like letter drafts, or management training manuals, some shareholder documentatipmn, and a cool manual on how to use the digital satellite parts ordering system, if i got that right:
The lot also included a set of Datsun 240Z information (mainly copies from the FSM, but still have to check it in detail), and a nice advertizing flyer template, which the Z on it:
I still have to check them all out in detail and will post more in the coming days. Nothing crazy at the end of the day, but then again all those small, rare items, so i’m very happy at the end. great stuff.
This will also allow me to update a few details in the Big Datsun Switzerland (Hi)story post. There was also a discussion about some bigger parts lots which still need to be picked up, so i hope i can help there too. even though it’s more fun than work. Thanks again buddy for the hospitality and for inviting me!

Absolutely incredible find mate! Wow!!!
Thanks a lot. It was indeed a great find 🙂