240Z: Door hinges refurbish pt. 1 and first news from the Bodyshop
When i prepared the doors for the Bodyshop, i realized that some of the hinges were worn out pretty much. So i decided to give my spare set an overhaul. it took me a while to figure out how to get the old pins out. but now i got a solution and also finally a use for my new press π The pin got a bit bent during the process, but shouldn’t be a problem: Here’s a comparison of the old vs new pin you can clearly see some heavy wear on t he old pin: The sleeve things were pretty worn out too and basicalyl fell apart once i…
EVENT: Japanclassic 2022 review & Gallery
It seems after 3 years of absence, people were really longing vor this event. We decided to go early this year to get a good spot at the main parking, but arriving only 30minuts after opening, already meant we had to park on the most far end. And according to the organizers it wa sthe biggest turnout ever. At the end, attendees even had to park in the public parking area and the entrance. WOW! This maybe also has to do with the event no open from all the cars from year 1998 on later. So it was the first time my EK9 was allowed in officially too. and despite…
240Z: Bodyshop restart
Only one picture today, but an important milestone in the project: The bodywork starts again! A few hours ago, i was at the new bodyshop to discuss the first steps and bring them some parts. The car is in good company and the workshop is huge. This is just one little messy corner where it is temporary stored until work begins next week (fingers crossed). The rest of the shop is clean and busy with many people at work. I met the panel beater the first time and he seems to be a really nice dude. They promised me to send pictures every now and then, and since they’re basically…
240Z: NOS Datsun Fender Emblems arrived
Just a very small update. While preparing the passenger side fender for the bodyshop, i realized i dont have any nice fender emblems anymore, so i immediately ordered a set, since i saw they were still available new from Nissan: Nothing crazy, but another little piece of the Puzzle is ready to be installed, once the shell and body panels are painted…
240Z: Off to the bodyshop – 2nd attempt
Finally – the day has come, where the car left the home for the second time for a visit at a bodyshop. This time a different one… The agreed timeline is to complete the body until the end of the year (roughly). I said quality comes before a tough timeline, but also they agreed on not letting the car sit in a corner for 5 years like the previous panelbeater did… The plan is to straighten the chassis, which needs a bit alignment, replace all rusty panels and then add the bodypanels and align all gaps, before having everything dismantled again and ready for the paintshop…. And until then i’ll…
240Z: Bodyshop preparation work – passenger side
Yes! On monday the shell is going back to the bodyshop. I chose a new panelbeater with a bit more professional background. The other one was OK, but this time it goes to a specialist which is usually handling cars in a more exclusive price-range. Also he’s not alone but has a hand full of people on hand and compared to my previous guy – has all the tools required in-house. Also he just seems a bit more of a “do-er” and less of a “talker” – my kind of guy. And he promised me to complete the body until the end of the year for a fair price. So…
240Z: Datsun Microfiche set & Rallye clock oscillator arrived
Today i got a special package from germany with an old dusty “thing” The thing is an stand for microfiches for various datsun cars. I think this was never an official stand, but one that the dealership probably set up themselves: It includes 16 different chassis types plus a german price list from 1979: A closer inspection turns out that the S30 chassis microfiches which i already have are from a different date. Nice to have two sets π The 6/6 fiche btw, is from the GRLS30 btw. The second item i got is a rallye clock replacement oscillator box by E-ZA in Japan. The original one often fails when…