EK9: The Overhaul, pt. 2
Wow, almost 10 months since i got the parts and planned to do the overhaul, but for various reasons i had to postpone it to this winter. Luckily stars aligned and i got the first part done.
well ok, the first part was already done a few weeks ago but that was really minor.
This time i brought the EK9 to the workshop and dropped it of for some work, which included:
– Adjust the suspension by +5mm to be approved by the MOT (seems it came down since the original setting was made)
– Replace the timing belt. Picture shows the japanese replacement milage sticker which came with the belt:
– Upgrade the brake pads all around with Endless Y-sports. They’re like upgraded OEM Pads for less fade but still very streetable. So far i love them!
The original pads where still good but i thought i kind of like to preserve them and have something upgraded at the same time.
– Replace all ruber bushings with SPoon sports PU Bushings (also required to pass MOT, since on bushing was cracked). It’s not as hard as expected and the driving feeling is superior so far. Now you’re even more connected to the car for that extra-bit of go-kart feeling. it’s incredible fun to go up some curvy roads 🙂
– I also asked them to clean the engine bay a bit with the steam cleaner. seems i need to paint my spoon resonator pipe again. well 🙂
– And then there was this annoying “singging” rattle noise that was terrible by any means. It made the car sound like a crappy rice-box tuned car with some ebay parts, but with my several attempts over the years i failed to find the problem. I kindly asked my honda dealer to have a look. and well. they found this as the root cause for all rattling. i don’t know where they found it but well. the rattle is gone…
Overall it feels like a completely new car. No more annoying noises, super direct steering and feel. Whlie not the fastest car on planet, especially by todays measures, i still have the feeling that the EK9 is one of the most fun and drivers-cars ever built.
What’s on the schedule next?
Well, i have an OEM Honda Battery tie down where paint is falling off and needs some work, and then there’s the front bumper with some ugly paint-chips and one big one:
and then there are these boxes laying around. I Hope i find some time to put the car on the lift in the coming weeks and have it done.
I will definitely ensure it’s ready for next spring and the 2023 season. Also i need the lift back for my 240Z project in a few months, i hope 🙂