240Z Project,  Other

240Z: Door hinge repair kit, 1971 colour chart, competition manual and other Documents

Recently i collected a lot of stuff again, which i want to share with you.

I got a bunch of documents from my mate Stefan again, thanks a lot for your great support, as usual.
first an Datsun special tool catalogue from the late 60ies:

A bunch of late 60ies spare parts bulletins:

And also a bunch uf “Nissan service journal” (pre-service bulletin) from the same era.

I also got myself one of those swiss promotional Datsun jo-jo’s, which were giveaways from Datsun switzerland back in the day. I already own one, but since it has some cosmetic flaws and came without the thread, i got this one too now 🙂

Then got myself one of those door hinge repair kits with some brass inserts and pins. They look really solid and let’s see if i need them. Got them from an ebay seller in australia:

Then i found this original Datsun competition parts schematic catalogue (left). I already owned it as a digital copy, but it’s nice to have the real thing 🙂
On the right you can see the later “Nissan” version, which i already have in my collection since a while. Nice to have them both now…
You can download both of them in full high-resolution on this Link

Inside you will find exploded views and single part numbers from all the “optional” and competition parts (from american market point of view).

Then i found this october 1971 UK datsun colour chart brochure, which i’ve never seen before, so i had to get it:

It shows all t he colour combinations which were available in the UK market at the time. I will update my Colour chart page here with this one too in the next days.
In the Link you can find all original Datsun (mostly UK) colour sample charts, which include the 240Z, and some more…

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