• HISTORY: The story of Datsun, Nissan & Prince Switzerland – Part 4 “The winding road to Nissan” (1978 – 1985+)

    This is the fourth part of a multi-post series about the (hi)story of Datsun, Prince and Nissan in switzerland. Check out the other parts HERE In this part of the story, we’re having a closer look at the inside of Datsun (Suisse) SA, starting from 1978 until it became the Nissan it is known today. The times between 1978 and the early nineties were quite a bit hectic and sometimes hilariously comical to say the least, but lets dive straight into it where part three ended. 1. The unfriendly british takeover, Octav Botnar & Silvio Cereghetti In the late 1977, a certain Mr. Octav O. Botnar, a german with romanian…